Practical Methodology and Languages / Review & Refresh Modern Teaching Strategies – Primary
The goal of this course is to further equip and improve the practice of English language teaching at primary levels. Importance is given to methods that help to motivate young pupils and engage their versatile imaginations. Participants will have the opportunity to share ideas and personal experiences in an environment where different approaches to primary level language teaching can be discussed. Participants will be able to do important research into modern methodology using these approaches, and will also have the chance to having the chance to put all this into practice.
Practical Methodology and Languages / Review & Refresh Modern Teaching Strategies - Secondary
The goal of this course is to further equip and improve the practice of English language teaching at secondary levels. Importance is given to methods that help to motivate young pupils and engage their versatile imaginations. Participants will have the opportunity to share ideas and personal experiences in an environment where different approaches to secondary level language teaching can be discussed. Participants will be able to do important research into modern methodology using these approaches, and will also have the chance to put all this into practice.
Practical Methodology Dyslexia / Ideas to Facilitate Learning for Dyslexic Learners - 1 týden
This course is aimed at developing and improving the methodological and pedagogical skills of non-native teachers of English who are teaching or want to teach children or young students with learning disabilities. All sessions are in English, presented through interactive whiteboards, and present a practical look at current ideas regarding the best ways to teach students with dyslexia. These latest methodologies for young learners with learning disabilities will be presented in interactive sessions and workshops. While learning about new teaching tools, participants will be able to do important research into modern learning disability methodology. By the end of the course, participants will feel confident in their understanding of and ability to adapt to the needs of these students.
Interactive Whiteboard Training - 1 týden
This course is aimed at developing and improving the methodological and pedagogical IT skills of teachers of English. The Interactive Flat Panel, known as IFP(the next generation of IWB - Interactive Whiteboard), revolution is now sweeping into English language classrooms, but many teachers are still unsure and afraid of the multi-sensory potential of the IFP, or lack sufficient IFP training. The course includes a combination of lectures and practical workshop sessions using the Hitachi StarBoard IFP software. All of the sessions are in English and presented on IFPs, and are designed to simultaneously demonstrate and empower trainees with the methodology and pedagogy behind the IFP. Trainees will learn to incorporate this new frontier into their language teaching and get the most out of the IFP’s powerful interactivity and how it can augment motivation and stimulate students’ learning. Whether you are a complete beginner or have limited experience of the IFP, this course will enable you to resource and prepare multi-sensory lessons and unleash the IFP’s potential in your classroom. It also gives you the opportunity to have practical skills training on the Hitachi StarBoard given by qualified Hitachi StarBoard Teacher Trainers.
CLIL / Teaching Subjects through English / geography, history, mathematics, etc. / primary or secondary students - 1 týden
This course is presented in English using hi-tech, vibrant, audio-visual presentations on Interactive White Boards. The course gives trainees an overview, analysis and practical knowledge about teaching curricula based in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). The course is for teachers who teach subjects such as geography, history, mathematics, etc. through the English language to non-native speakers of English whether primary or secondary students.
Délka pobytu: 1-2 týdenní kurzy, pobyt od soboty/neděle do soboty neděle, nebo dle návaznosti dopravy
Komu je kurz určen: pro učitele anglického jazyka na základních i středních školách, učitele dospělých / soukromé JŠ.
Program - počet lekcí: různé programy a zaměření / detailní programy najdete níže na stránkách školy ACE
Tato škola ráda zorganizuje výuku pro dalšího rodinného příslušníka v běžném jazykovém kurzu nebo hlídání dětí s případnou výukou AJ již od 4 let !
Výuka probíhá od pondělí do pátku, výuka neprobíhá v době státních svátků /bez možnosti náhrady/.
Ubytování je zajištěno od neděle pře začátkem kurzu do soboty po skončení kurzu / nebo ne-ne, nebo so-so.
Minimální počet účastníků kurzu je 3. V případě, že nebude naplněn kurz, bude zahraniční školou nabídnuta alternativní nabídka - většinou redukce lekcí (vždy záleží na zahraniční škole a jejich managementu ).
Více informací o všech typech TTC ZDE
Termíny 2024 - 1-2 týdenní programy
každý týden, min. 3 účastníci - předem zájemce raději v ACE ověříme. Můžeme udělat i kombinaci 2 kurzů.
Škola je uzavřena ve dnech svátků a výuka se nenahrazuje: 1 Jan, 19 Feb, 29 Mar, 1 May, 7 Jun, 15 Aug, 13 Dec, 25 Dec
Sezona B: 5.6.-18.9.2021